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File: ThingIMightBlogAbout [[[>40 This was intended to be called "Things I might blog about" but somehow the "s" got lost. Oh well. This page has been TaggedAsDump ]]] I needed a place to put these and get people to comment: See also: * BlogTopics * PreBlogNotes * ColinsBlogBefore2007 * ColinsBlog2007 !! The Big List * Time Complexity <- Underway * ... and I should return to it. _ _ _ * Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem * People aren't lazy, they just stop reading quickly * Explaining NULL, remembering the dominant chatter. * Farrago diagram * Non-repeating can be created, hence transcendentals * Proving a specific individual number to be T is hard * But nearly everything (in a technical sense) is T. * Blackjack * Hexagons * Signal reflection * Overhead line damage, catching all the greens, be careful of how scathing you may be. * Companies are sociopaths * Puzzle World vs Crypto World * Big-Oh and Complexity * Integer sequence * The tr bug * AMPS * D3 Rant * 10^e -> e * 3 cubes and the optimiser * What are complex numbers? * Completion of Q^2 * Can't have multiplication in R^3 * Complex numbers for fun and profit * A+B=C in three squares * Gamow's Treasure puzzle * Folding the napkin * Napolean's Propellor * /.../more?/ * An elevator pitch for Group Theory * Integers with addition * Positive rationals with multiplication * Non-zero rationals with multiplication * Symmetries of a die * Permutations * How many sides has a circle? * Can you ever see the Moon's terminator as a vertical straight line? * Bonus points: Horizontal * Continuous at irrationals, discontinuous at rationals * Thirteen piles of four * Every bi-coloured complete infinite graph has a mono-chromatic infinite sub-graph * The three cubes in a fish pond problem * MathsinaTwist * The Real Projective Plane * The Cross-Cap * Different embeddings of the KleinBottle * Pythagoras and the Napkin Ring * Necessary vs Sufficient * (I did an MEI talk on that - wonder where it is) * Monty Hall * What if opening the other door is random? * What if Monty only opens a door if you have the prize? * What about variants of numbers chosen? * Monty Hall Variant I'll add others as I sweep them up from their various hiding places.