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File: BurkesBarrage ********> images/burkes.gif ******** Burke's Barrage is a SiteSwap of *4* *2* *3* where the *3* is done in the centre of JuggleSpace, the *4* is always done from the wrong side of the body, and the *2* is a big looping carry, catching the ball on the wrong side and carrying it over the top around underneath to throw the *4*. At least, that's how CharlieDancey describes it in his book, The Encyclopedia of Ball Juggling, ISBN 1-898591-13-X. He has since announced that it is in fact wrong, and that a slight modification is required. The carry should pass /through/ the JugglingPattern, not over the top. The correction is made in later editions of the book. ********< Given time we may produce an animation of the corrected version so they can be compared, although we're not sure that anyone really knows what it's supposed to look like.