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File: ColinWright !! Hi there ... [[[< images/ColinsHeadShot_BW_32x32.png ]]] [[[> ]]] Colin is married to RachelWright, and is a co-founder of SolipsysLimited along with AndrewLipson. Colin plays the GameOfGo (badly), piano (worse) and can juggle and unicycle in addition to having a Ph.D. from Cambridge in Combinatorics and GraphTheory, which are areas of mathematics. ---- !! Mathematically speaking ... Colin's Ph.D. supervisor was BelaBollobas. Oddly enough, even though Béla has an ErdosNumber of 1, and Colin's ErdosNumber is 2, Colin and Béla have never co-authored. The path from Colin to Erdös goes via Ron Graham. See the PaulErdos page for more information about this amazing man. You can also see ColinsMathematicalAncestry. Colin was unreasonably delighted recently to realise that he has an ErdosNumber of the second kind, and it's just 3. This goes via Graham Brightwell and BelaBollobas. ********> [[[ _ ]]] ******** On the LipsonShiuTest Colin consistently _ scores as an *ILIE,* although the occasional _ *ILIG* has shown up. ********< ---- !! In his "copious free time ..." Colin still runs SolipsysLimited, now with NeilWalker, and is the presenter of the popular science JugglingTalk series. He is a former President of the LiverpoolMathematicalSociety, about which he should write some more. ---- !! Other news I've started writing a sort of "web-log", or "Blog", over at ColinsBlog. I'm not sure what I'll write, it's a bit of an experiment. It certainly won't be updated *every* day - I don't think I have that many insights worth sharing. Besides, I'm pretty busy trying to learn a bit of Spanish, some LojbanLanguage, doing talks, and trying to run two companies. Life is a bit busy ...