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File: DistanceToTheMoon [[[> ]]] [[[> A MathematicsTalk given _ by ColinWright _ _ TaggedAsTalkDescription ]]] *Distance*To*The*Moon* is a presentation given by ColinWright. It can take the form of either a talk or a workshop, whichever is preferred. When given as a talk it takes between 20 minutes and 45 minutes, when given as a workshop it takes about 60 to 90 minutes. ---- !! Abstract ********> When the astronauts went to the Moon they left behind a reflector so we can measure the distance with incredible accuracy. Using simple ideas, simple maths, and a whole lot of clever thinking, we can measure how far away the Moon is from a closed room, using nothing but a stopwatch, a pendulum, and a lot of clever thinking. ******** The talk culminates in the actual measurement. When given as a workshop the equations are derived, and then the workshop attendees themselves make the measurement. Then we can gather the data and look at the spread of results, asking the question - where does the variability come from? In this way we can explore many questions that arise in real life. ********< ---- This is one of the MathematicsTalks offered by ColinWright.