Welcome to the Solipsys Limited web-site. Like the web
itself, this site is under continual review and evolution.
Our hope is to make this site useful, and then add to it
constantly so that it continues to be an interesting place
to visit.
If you have any suggestions for changes to this site,
be they corrections, additions, deletions or even
complete rewrites, please visit About This Site and
you'll find more information about the presentation,
content, and how you can help to improve it with
almost no effort. Please note, however, that if you
send a page update with no substantive changes or
improvements, or if you do not fill in your e-mail
address so that I can discuss the changes with you,
you are unlikely to see any changes on the page.
This site is largely, but not exclusively, written and
maintained by Colin Wright. You can read more about him
on his own page.
Colin has a regular day job as head of research, innovation
and engineering in a company that designs and produces
equipment to assist with the monitoring and control of
maritime traffic (think air traffic control, but for ships)
In addition, Colin spends a lot of time giving talks in
schools and for other organisations to try to convince
people that maths is exciting, relevant, interesting and
It may be working. He now has several TV appearances to
his name, and more speaking requests than he can sensibly
See the pages