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File: Fountain ********> images/Fountain.png ******** The Fountain is the classical JugglingPattern to do with an even number of balls. Every ball is thrown from the middle of JuggleSpace, but is thrown back to the same hand with the ball coming down just outside shoulder width. The pattern then has half the balls being juggled in one hand and half in the other. The trace is two separate cycles of balls, although it can be exaggerated so that the paths of the balls overlap. ********< ********> The animation shown here has been produced with JuggleMaster, a "free" animation package that runs on many different platforms. It doesn't seem as easy to use as JuggleKrazy, nor as pretty, but it seems to do the basic SiteSwap stuff quite well. Have a look at the page on the HalfShower to compare the two. ******** images/Fountain.gif ********< See also: FountainThrow