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File: GiantsWhoHaveLeftUs Concentrating on science and maths, and _ hence excluding such creative geniuses _ as Alan Rickman and David Bowie. Perhaps _ more controversial would be Steve Jobs. There will be more ... ********> ---- !! People I did not _ know personally * 1954-06-07 : Alan Turing * 1985-10-08 : Gordon Welchman * 1998-10-28 : Tommy Flowers * 2002-05-02 : Bill Tutte * 2011-10-12 : Dennis Ritchie * 2011-10-24 : John McCarthy * 2012-08-25 : Neil Armstrong * 2015-11-10 : Gene Amdahl * 2016-01-03 : Peter Naur * 2016-01-25 : Marvin Minsky ---- ******** width="10%" ******** ---- !! People I met * 1996-09-20 : PaulErdos * 2006-10-01 : Pierre Gorman * 2010-05-22 : MartinGardner * 2016-02-13 : Sir Erik Christopher Zeeman ---- !! People I worked with * 1989-01-07 : Frank Adams * 2011-01-30 : Ian Porteous * 2015-04-14 : Gordon Preston ---- ********<