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File: GreybeardStories !! Background ********> Sometimes, due to the nature of my work, I get _ to hear stories from a greybeard with a past that _ is, well, /"interesting."/ And again, because of _ the nature of my work, or more accurately, because _ of the nature of */their/* work, the stories can't _ be verified. That's just life. Sometimes the stories can't even _ be /told./ But some, after time, can. I'm starting to write _ them up. ******** [[[ !! The stories so far * TheBlackTeam * TheBouncingTorpedo * TheJammingGyro * TheUnwiseUpdate * GracefulDegradation ]]] ******** [[[ !! Still to come * Test to the end? * Pottery * F16 landing gear * Life in a Laser Lab ]]] ********< ---- See also: RandomWritings.