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File: LiturgicalEmbroidery [[[> _ |>> Book of the Gospels <<| ]]] !! The Book of the Gospels project To mark the Year of the Liturgy, the embroidery group I lead created a cover for the parish copy of the Book of The Gospels. We used a woollen fabric (available from the Quaker Tapestry Museum) to create the basic cover, and applied patches depicting the symbols of the four Gospel authors, which are outlined in gold on teal silk. This was intended to echo the glazed earthenware vessels used during the Mass, and the lighter teal upholstery on some of the seating. The picture shows a late stage in the work when we were fitting the cover onto the book itself. Each member of the group worked on at least one of the panels, and we were thrilled to have it ready in time for the ceremony of dedication which was presided over by the Bishop of the Diocese. We continued to be thrilled as it is in use every week! ---- !! The Book of the Liturgy project We had some of the woollen fabric left over, so we decided to make a companion cover for the book of the Liturgy. We have chosen to base the design around the idea of the Pentecostal flame. Each member of the group has stitched some flames using stranded cotton in shades of red and yellow on plain calico. These have been edged with buttonhole stitch and will be cut out and applied to the fabric of the cover. In both of these projects we have tried to bear in mind the size of the Church and the fact that the design should make some sort of sense even when viewed from the back of the Church. ---- One of RachelWright's NeedleworkProjects.