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File: MM_STD_04 !!! MM_STD Tutorial Part 4 As usual here's a quick recap: * From part 1 * we juggle a 3 ball cascade with a long DwellTime, * we juggle to music with an exchange on every beat, * the exchanges always alternate hands. * From part 2 * We only worry about whether or not the arms are crossed, and if so, which is on top. * Right hand goes clockwise -> "Inside Exchange" * Left hand goes clockwise -> "Outside Exchange" * Right hand goes anti-clockwise -> "Outside Exchange" * Left hand goes anti-clockwise -> "Inside Exchange" * From part 3 * There are six states the arms can be in. These are written as *Rl,* *Rr,* *Ul,* *Ur,* *Ll,* and *Lr*. * The state we're in tells us * which hand is next to do the exchange, * whether the arms are crossed, * which arm is on top (if crossed) Let's go back to the FalseShower with the throws happening on juggler's right. We have seen that there are two basic varieties, one with the left arm crossing on top, the other with the left hand crossing underneath. For the sake of simplicity let's concentrate on the left arm underneath variety. This means that the states we are in are ... ********> *Ur* *<--->* *Rl* ********< What kind of exchange is the right hand doing in the FalseShower? Well, from the juggler's point of view both hands are doing anti-clockwise circles. This means that the right hand is doing outside exchanges, but the left hand is doing inside exchanges. It's here that the care taken about the definition of inside versus outside exchanges pays off. [[[> images/UroRli.png ]]] So when we move from *Ur* to *Rl* it's with an outside exchange, but when we move back from *Rl* to *Ur* it's with an inside exchange. What we do then is to put markings on the arrows to show what kind of an exchange we do, like this. The circle on the arrow represents an *O* for an *outside* exchange, the bar across the arrow represents an *I*, meaning it's an inside exchange. This diagram represents the right-throw falseshower, making outside exchanges with the right hand when the arms are uncrossed, and inside exchanges with the left hand when the left hand is crossed underneath. Ok, quiz time. Draw the diagrams for 0 the left-throw false shower with underneath throws, 0 the left-throw false shower with above throws, 0 the right-throw false shower with above throws, 0 the cascade, 0 the reverse cascade, 0 the right-throw half-shower. Have a go at these before moving on to MM_STD_05 !! Summary * When we move from one state to another we draw an arrow and say whether the exchange was an inside exchange or an outside exchange. To show the kind of exchange we put either a circle or a bar on the arrow. !! Next MM_STD_05