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File: Mathematics !! It's not what you think. [[[> You might also want to visit: * MathsInspiration * * ]]] Mathematics is not about arithmetic, sums, calculus, calculations and numbers. At the heart of mathematics are the concepts of structure, shape, form, abstraction, reasoning and generalisation. Mathematics doesn't have to be about formulae, symbols and equations, it can be about ideas, reasons and understanding. There are a few pages here to try to show what we mean by this. ********> * Koenigsberg * KleinBottles * MoebiusStrips ******** * Infinity * GraphTheory * Topology ********< Of course, the entire jugglingtalk is really about science in general and mathematics, and ColinWright gives other MathematicsTalks as well. Perhaps you might like to look at these pages: * JugglingTalkSummary * MathsInspiration * MathsImprovisation