Maths Inspiration

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Maths Inspiration is a programme of events for sixth formers that are designed to be fun, informative and inspiring. You can see the website at:
Main page Speakers
Events Reviews /

We recently received the following email after the event in Reading:

Many many thanks for organising the above talk. The feedback we
have received from our pupils has been outstanding. There is a
new spring in the Maths lessons! The mix between classic problems
and new ideas was superb. (Many of the kids are already learning
to juggle!! )

Please pass on my sincere thanks to Simon, Rob and Colin. Their
passion for Mathematics was obvious and contagious. Our coach left
with a real buzz afterwards. The resources on the mentioned web
sites will be invaluable to our department. I have used a few of
the starters this week and the kids have been blown away.

As a part of our commitment to making these events the best they can be, we ask teachers to complete a feedback form. One of the questions we asked was this:

"What message would you
give to the schools that
didn't come today?"

Some of the replies were: And my favourite so far:

This is the sort of experience they will remember far more
than any classroom lessons. Truly inspirational.

Until recently the events have followed a simple formula, with three speakers talking about different applications of mathematics, followed by a question and answer session. The event at Greenwich Theatre in March 2006 introduced a completely new idea:

Maths Improvisation

This proved to be a great success, and is likely to be included in future events.


There were no headings
in the main text so there
is no table of contents.

Links on this page

Site hosted by Colin and Rachel Wright:
  • Maths, Design, Juggling, Computing,
  • Embroidery, Proof-reading,
  • and other clever stuff.

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