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File: MillenniumProblems !! The Challenge The Clay Mathematics Institute has published a challenge: |>> [[[ |>> *Solve*any*one*of*seven*stated* _ *problems*to*their*satisfaction* _ *and*win*a*million*dollars.* <<| ]]] <<| As you might imagine, the problems aren't trivial. In fact, some have been around for over 100 years, but with Fermat's Last Theorem being proven after 350 years who knows? Maybe these too will fall. !! The problems We can't do the problems justice here, so we'll just refer you to a few sites where they are stated. In short, they are: * Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture * Hodge Conjecture * Navier-Stokes Equations * PvsNP * Poincaré Conjecture * See addendum below ... * Riemann Hypothesis * Yang-Mills Theory You can read more about these at the institute's own site: * * There you can find precise statements of the problems, details of the rules, and lots more. For more loads more information, Google is your friend * ---- !! Addendum It appears that one of the problems, the Poincaré Conjecture, has been solved. Further, the person who appears to have solved it, Grigori Perelman, has been offered and declined the Fields Medal, and has said he wants nothing to do with the million dollar prize.