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File: OS_HW_Processor Recently I was chatting with a non-technical friend for whom it was clearly news that there were things other than Macs and PCs, and the concept of an operating system. So I started to outline things at a very, very high level, and after a time stopped and said: Would you like a diagram? They said yes. But I don't know enough to be able to provide anything but a sketch, but on the other hand, I don't want to be overwhelmed with detail, nor to overwhelm my friend. For example, I know that it's possible to run Linux on phones and tablets, but for now I'd like to stick with "off-the-shelf" options. So: |>> [[[ /images/OS_HW_Processor.png ---- |>> Very, /very/ high-level first cut <<| ]]] <<| What would you add? Please, get in touch.