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File: OneThrowTrick There is a class of JugglingTricks known as OneThrowTricks. In these tricks a base pattern is juggled, usually a Fountain or Cascade, and then a single unusual throw is made. Examples of this style of trick include ********> * OneHighThrow * OverTheTop ******** * BehindTheBack * OverTheShoulder * UnderTheLeg ******** * UnderTheArm * OffTheHead ********< Although these are called OneThrowTricks, and are thought of as consisting of just a single throw, in practice the throw before is usually slightly higher or slightly wider or otherwise slightly different to make allowance for the next throw. ---- !! Epilogue Some people (Hi Josh!) think these are impossible, but they're not. Honest. If you can do OneHighThrow then you're well on your way. The next one to learn is OverTheTop. After that, persevere. Work on it. Throw one really high, then while it's in the air, throw one UnderTheLeg, also really high. UnderTheArm is also an easy one to learn. Work on it. Practise. It's not impossible. It can't even be too hard if I can do it.