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File: PaulGrahamEssays ********> [[[> ''' <IMG SRC="images/PaulGrahamEssaysOther.png" ISMAP usemap="#othermap" /> <map name="othermap"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="326,451,393,484" href="" title="-> 6,631,372"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="175,185,282,220" href="" title="-> The Acceleration of Addictiveness"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="186,251,271,283" href="" title="-> Why TV Lost"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="291,91,350,127" href="" title="-> Subject: Airbnb"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="380,220,494,269" href="" title="-> Frighteningly Ambitious Startup Ideas"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="95,187,164,252" href="" title="-> The Other Half of "Artists Ship" "> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="176,289,244,368" href="" title="-> Why to Start a Startup in a Bad Economy"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="302,138,366,188" href="" title="-> Better Bayesian Filtering"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="299,210,368,245" href="" title="-> A Plan for Spam"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="460,344,532,394" href="" title="-> It's Charisma, Stupid"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="59,41,159,91" href="" title="-> Could VC be a Casualty of the Recession?"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="282,264,348,314" href="" title="-> Filters that Fight Back"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="86,264,161,314" href="" title="-> What Languages Fix"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="460,282,526,332" href="" title="-> Learning from Founders"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="255,323,341,359" href="" title="-> The Founder Visa"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="5,100,68,136" href="" title="-> Mind the Gap"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="362,284,444,348" href="" title="-> What I've Learned from Hacker News"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="392,362,440,394" href="" title="-> Trolls"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="175,66,277,102" href="" title="-> High Resolution Fundraising "> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="14,184,86,234" href="" title="-> Keep Your Identity Small "> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="407,448,478,484" href="" title="-> The Island Test"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="434,9,505,73" href="" title="-> What Kate Saw in Silicon Valley "> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="5,305,66,341" href="" title="-> Lies We Tell Kids"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="353,9,425,73" href="" title="-> Maker's Schedule, Manager's Schedule "> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="77,121,178,171" href="" title="-> Six Principles for Making New Things"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="77,380,178,430" href="" title="-> Why Arc Isn't Especially Object-Oriented"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="14,246,71,296" href="" title="-> Organic Startup Ideas"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="32,439,107,475" href="" title="-> The Patent Pledge"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="121,439,196,475" href="" title="-> How to Do Philosophy"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="255,375,360,439" href="" title="-> The Pooled-Risk Company Management Company"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="5,350,66,385" href="" title="-> Defining Property"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="362,84,450,120" href="" title="-> Post-Medium Publishing"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="394,148,442,180" href="" title="-> Stuff"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="371,407,484,439" href="" title="-> See Randomness"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="451,143,523,207" href="" title="-> What Startups Are Really Like"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="460,91,528,127" href="" title="-> Schlep Blindness"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="264,5,341,55" href="" title="-> Where to See Silicon Valley"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="175,5,255,55" href="" title="-> The Trouble with the Segway"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="237,448,314,484" href="" title="-> Writing and Speaking"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="201,121,276,171" href="" title="-> The New Funding Landscape"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="193,380,246,412" href="" title="-> Tablets"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="77,323,161,359" href="" title="-> Is It Worth Being Wise?"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="5,394,61,430" href="" title="-> Writing, Briefly"> ''' </map> ]]] [[[> This page _ is auto- _ generated: _ edit it _ not ... ]]] !! Experimenting with neato ... As mentioned on ColinsBlog, while reading some of Paul Graham's essays I wondered how they were all interconnected. I tried a quick experiment and got an interesting picture, so today I spent another hour and made the map clickable, and slightly better laid out. The result is interesting, and here it is. Quite effective. You can also see PaulGrahamEssaysRanking. The rankings are encoded here in the colour of the different boxes - it's a challenge to work out what the colours mean! One colour plane is controlled by the forward "Page Rank" value, one colour plane by the *reverse* "Page Rank" value, and the last is always "fully on." Who knows what the various mixes might mean. I'm pretty sure the colours don't correlate well with any intrinsic "value." The ranking is more-or-less the Google-style "Page Rank," where we assume that a visitor follows an outbound link at random 85% of the time, and leaps to a random page the other 15% of the time. Then we compute the likelihood of being on any given page. Finally, I've made a second, smaller map of those essays that aren't linking in with the giant component. The colours there are a bit easier ... ********< ''' <IMG SRC="images/PaulGrahamEssaysGiant.png" ISMAP usemap="#giantmap" /> <map name="giantmap"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="220,1079,306,1115" href="" title="-> Two Kinds of Judgement"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="394,879,482,930" href="" title="-> The Hacker's Guide to Investors"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="501,822,573,873" href="" title="-> How to Be Silicon Valley"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="374,783,459,819" href="" title="-> How to Fund a Startup"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="462,702,547,767" href="" title="-> Why Startups Condense in America"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="244,665,309,701" href="" title="-> Hiring is Obsolete"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="429,625,492,661" href="" title="-> Ideas for Startups"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="252,756,335,807" href="" title="-> The Venture Capital Squeeze"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="173,960,243,1010" href="" title="-> How to Present to Investors"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="572,744,641,780" href="" title="-> The Word "Hacker""> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="470,543,544,594" href="" title="-> The Power of the Marginal"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="684,746,767,783" href="" title="-> Why Startup Hubs Work"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="619,660,689,696" href="" title="-> Cities and Ambition"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="646,961,707,998" href="" title="-> Founder Control"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="962,606,1038,642" href="" title="-> How Not to Die"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="1023,411,1099,462" href="" title="-> Why to Not Not Start a Startup"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="914,897,987,948" href="" title="-> The Top Idea in Your Mind "> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="609,836,696,901" href="" title="-> Can You Buy a Silicon Valley? Maybe."> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="733,626,796,691" href="" title="-> The 18 Mistakes That Kill Startups"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="916,337,1003,373" href="" title="-> How to Make Wealth"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="493,960,573,996" href="" title="-> A Local Revolution?"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="564,1067,631,1118" href="" title="-> The High-Res Society"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="320,974,407,1025" href="" title="-> Why to Move to a Startup Hub"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="274,863,353,914" href="" title="-> A Student's Guide to Startups"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="11,685,96,736" href="" title="-> Why Smart People Have Bad Ideas"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="249,407,325,457" href="" title="-> Why Nerds are Unpopular"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="187,481,270,517" href="" title="-> The Other Road Ahead"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="301,501,357,551" href="" title="-> How to Start a Startup"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="448,464,533,500" href="" title="-> Hackers and Painters"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="211,319,287,370" href="" title="-> What You'll Wish You'd Known"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="549,451,611,487" href="" title="-> Taste for Makers"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="344,438,422,474" href="" title="-> Beating the Averages"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="119,613,202,663" href="" title="-> A Unified Theory of VC Suckage"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="228,574,289,606" href="" title="-> Web 2.0"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="350,669,424,748" href="" title="-> What Business Can Learn from Open Source"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="405,380,482,430" href="" title="-> What the Bubble Got Right"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="385,526,461,562" href="" title="-> The Submarine"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="557,537,625,573" href="" title="-> What You Can't Say"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="537,294,613,330" href="" title="-> The Age of the Essay"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="445,215,560,251" href="" title="-> The Hundred-Year Language"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="306,334,404,371" href="" title="-> Good and Bad Procrastination"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="703,411,775,447" href="" title="-> The List of N Things"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="822,740,894,791" href="" title="-> What We Look for in Founders"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="1055,866,1135,916" href="" title="-> Why There Aren't More Googles"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="941,757,1022,793" href="" title="-> Relentlessly Resourceful"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="43,1071,121,1107" href="" title="-> After Credentials"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="402,1068,478,1119" href="" title="-> The Future of Web Startups"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="110,256,193,306" href="" title="-> Lisp for Web-Based Applications"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="229,221,306,257" href="" title="-> Revenge of the Nerds"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="502,374,562,410" href="" title="-> Great Hackers"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="137,845,229,881" href="" title="-> Inequality and Risk"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="13,813,99,849" href="" title="-> What I Did this Summer"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="7,575,85,611" href="" title="-> Microsoft is Dead"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="116,384,195,435" href="" title="-> Holding a Program in One's Head"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="325,233,426,269" href="" title="-> Succinctness is Power"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="424,301,496,337" href="" title="-> The Roots of Lisp"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="901,499,960,531" href="" title="-> Why YC"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="642,480,707,516" href="" title="-> Return of the Mac"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="833,614,920,664" href="" title="-> What Happened to Yahoo "> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="755,840,828,891" href="" title="-> How to Be an Angel Investor"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="783,961,857,998" href="" title="-> The Equity Equation"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="637,572,726,605" href="" title="-> Made in USA"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="710,199,788,235" href="" title="-> Design and Research"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="1071,698,1138,735" href="" title="-> Ramen Profitable"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="1060,529,1156,565" href="" title="-> A Fundraising Survival Guide"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="1060,277,1150,313" href="" title="-> Startups in 13 Sentences"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="888,1056,964,1107" href="" title="-> The Future of Startup Funding "> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="1055,54,1138,105" href="" title="-> How to Lose Time and Money "> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="763,305,827,370" href="" title="-> Are Software Patents Evil?"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="815,118,887,168" href="" title="-> How to Do What You Love"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="953,181,1056,217" href="" title="-> The Anatomy of Determination "> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="31,942,94,978" href="" title="-> After the Ladder"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="14,177,88,213" href="" title="-> News from the Front"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="16,448,74,484" href="" title="-> Apple's Mistake"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="103,491,173,570" href="" title="-> Five Questions about Language Design"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="379,137,470,174" href="" title="-> Programming Bottom-Up"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="334,598,392,634" href="" title="-> Being Popular"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="493,104,573,140" href="" title="-> The Python Paradox"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="5,313,90,363" href="" title="-> You Weren't Meant to Have a Boss"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="583,381,691,414" href="" title="-> Undergraduation"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="275,102,354,153" href="" title="-> What Made Lisp Different"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="526,631,602,667" href="" title="-> Copy What You Like"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="836,245,922,281" href="" title="-> How Art Can Be Good"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="572,201,664,233" href="" title="-> Some Heroes"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="819,415,886,451" href="" title="-> Five Founders"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="645,102,708,135" href="" title="-> Be Good"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="130,124,219,174" href="" title="-> Snapshot: Viaweb, June 1998"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="654,295,719,331" href="" title="-> How to Disagree"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="757,522,822,558" href="" title="-> Bradley's Ghost"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="735,21,803,57" href="" title="-> A Version 1.0"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="383,12,450,62" href="" title="-> Persuade xor Discover "> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="544,5,638,56" href="" title="-> An Alternative Theory of Unions"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="192,18,285,54" href="" title="-> Disconnecting Distraction"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="902,16,985,81" href="" title="-> The Hardest Lessons for Startups to Learn"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="1037,1045,1129,1082" href="" title="-> A Word to the Resourceful"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="38,33,103,70" href="" title="-> If Lisp is So Great"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="148,729,197,765" href="" title="-> Java's Cover"> ''' <area shape="rect" coords="728,1069,786,1120" href="" title="-> A New Venture Animal"> ''' </map>