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File: Shower The Shower is one of the fundamental JugglingPatterns, and is the one most non-jugglers visualise when they think of juggling. The balls go in an elongated circle with one hand throwing the balls high in the air, the other hand gathering them in and transferring them over to be thrown again. ********> images/Shower.png ******** The shower can be done either synchronously or asynchronously, with some jugglers having a strong preference. In SiteSwap the 3-ball asynchronous shower is *51*, the 4-ball asynchronous shower is *71*, and in general the n-ball asynchronous shower is *(2n-1)1*. ******** images/shower.gif _ Asynchronous Shower ********< ********> images/sync_shower.gif _ Synchronous Shower ******** In synchronous SiteSwap notation the 3-ball synchronous shower is (4x,2x). Always work on any JugglingTrick or JugglingPattern with your weaker hand first. You'll find that it's *much* harder, but if you learn the other way round first you'll *never* put in the effort to get it both ways. ********< The Shower and the HalfShower have identical topology. It's actually the same as the Cascade, except the circuit there has a half-twist.