These fields are all optional and need only
be supplied if you would like a direct reply.
Your email address
Your real name
You must answer this!
If you don't, my spam filtering will
ensure that I never see your email.
What's 8 plus five (in digits only)?
Please make your changes here and then
Editing tips and layout rules.
File: TalkRequestForm ''' <form action="" method=post> ''' <input type=hidden name="recipient" value="" > ''' <input type=hidden name="subject" value="Talk request" > ''' <input type=hidden name="redirect" value="" > ''' <input type=hidden name="required" value="email" > ''' <input type=hidden name="missing_fields_redirect" value=""> ''' <input type=hidden name="env_report" value="REMOTE_HOST, REMOTE_ADDR, HTTP_USER_AGENT" > ''' <input type=hidden name="print_blank_fields" value="1" > If you don't like this form then feel free simply to ignore it all and send to let me know why you didn't like it. ********> ''' <ul> ''' <li><input type=text name="answer" ><strong> <font color="ff3333">REQUIRED!!</font> Eight plus 5? (digits only)</strong> </li> ''' <li><input type=text name="email" ><strong> <font color="ff3333">REQUIRED!!</font> Your email address</strong> </li> ''' <li><input type=text name="realname" ><strong> Your real name</strong> </li> ''' <li><input type=text name="organisation"><strong> Organisation</strong> </li> ''' <li><input type=text name="town" ><strong> Place for the lecture</strong> </li> ''' <li><input type=text name="postcode" ><strong> Postcode</strong> (so I can download a map) </li> ''' </ul> ******** [[[ ''' <font size="+2" color="ff3333"><b> You must answer the _ first questions, _ else your email _ will be discarded _ as spam. ''' </b></font> ]]] ********< Please click as many buttons as you like - this should take no more than about one minute, otherwise you're thinking too hard. You can leave blank as many as you like. Have you read my TalkRequirements? ---- ********> *Audience:* _ ''' <input type="checkbox" name="who" value="14-16" > 14-16 <br> ''' <input type="checkbox" name="who" value="Student" > Student <br> ''' <input type="checkbox" name="who" value="Adult" > Adult <br> ''' <input type="checkbox" name="who" value="Professional"> Professional <br> ''' <input type="checkbox" name="who" value="Retired" > Retired <br> ''' <input type="checkbox" name="who" value="Mixed" > Mixed <br> ''' <input type="checkbox" name="who" value="Other" > Other ******** *Time:* _ ''' <input type="checkbox" name="time" value="Morning" > Morning <br> ''' <input type="checkbox" name="time" value="Afternoon" > Afternoon <br> ''' <input type="checkbox" name="time" value="Evening" > Evening <br> ''' <input type="checkbox" name="time" value="Weekday" > Weekday <br> ''' <input type="checkbox" name="time" value="Weekend" > Weekend <br> ''' <input type="checkbox" name="time" value="Anytime" > Anytime <br> ''' <input type="checkbox" name="time" value="Other" > Other <br> ******** *When:* _ ********> ''' <input type="checkbox" name="when" value="soon" > Very soon <br> ''' <input type="checkbox" name="when" value="weeks" > In a few weeks <br> ''' <input type="checkbox" name="when" value="months"> In a few months <br> ''' <input type="text" name="when" placeholder="other ..." size="20" maxlength=200><br> ******** ''' <select name="when" size="6" multiple> ''' <option value="Jan"> Jan </option> ''' <option value="Feb"> Feb </option> ''' <option value="Mar"> Mar </option> ''' <option value="Apr"> Apr </option> ''' <option value="May"> May </option> ''' <option value="Jun"> Jun </option> ''' <option value="Jul"> Jul </option> ''' <option value="Aug"> Aug </option> ''' <option value="Sep"> Sep </option> ''' <option value="Oct"> Oct </option> ''' <option value="Nov"> Nov </option> ''' <option value="Dec"> Dec </option> ''' </select> ******** You can select a collection _ of months (You may need to _ hold down the /control/ or _ /shift/ keys while you click) ********< ********< ---- You can add anything here you feel I've missed. Don't forget, you can always just send ''' <TEXTAREA NAME="Message" ROWS=10 COLS=64 placeholder="Put your message here ..."></TEXTAREA><br> ''' <center><font size="+4"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="click here to send"></font></center> ''' </form>