On the left is a map of the postcode districts of the UK.
They're colour-coded according to how far West or East they
are. Now we can colour-code each engagement according to
how far East or West it is.
On the main map we show them as green circles, larger
means sooner. Then we smear them out according to when
they are. Talks that are soon are at the left, talks
that are some time away yet are at the right. The first of
each month is marked with a vertical stripe.
The colour of each talk is given by its postcode, and the
vertical placement is its latitude. The horizontal lines are
at the Latitudes of Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Liverpool,
Birmingham, and London.
If two blobs are the same colour and the same vertical
placement, they're in the same place. If they are different
colours you can use the map at left to find where they are.