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File: Tennis [[[< images/tennis.gif ]]] Choose one ball, and with that ball do an outsidethrow every time. Exaggerate slightly so it goes quite a lot wider, and narrow down the other two that remain underneath. You now have the effect of a single ball being batted from one side of the "net" to the other - Tennis. [[[> images/tennis2.gif ]]] This is what you get when you do OverTheTop continually with a single ball, and is an example of a worthwhile JugglingPattern obtained from repeating a OneThrowTrick. Do you prefer the animation with the trails? Or do you just think it makes it look blurry? Letusknow! ---- * This animation is too blurry for my tastes. * Too blurry for me too. OK - two votes for "too blurry" - thanks ...