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File: ThoughtsAboutAlgebra [[[> DealWithThisSoon ]]] Recently @TimStirrup[0] said: * Just saw a maths site that says about algebra: [[[> |>> "the 1st thing to do is clear your _ head of the idea that it relates _ to real life in any way"! <<| ]]] * OK, here's the rest of the 'explanation' about algebra. Might take a few tweets. * "learn some basic rules and accept that you may be none the wiser after getting 10 questions correct" * "you will then go on to be very successful" * "in fact, algebra does relate to real life in many ways" (and now for the killer punch...) * "but if you worry too much about the point of it all, it will just bog you down in a world of confusion" I should blog about this, hence this page. ---- [0]