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File: TwoAndOne TwoAndOne is the basis for a collection of JugglingTricks. It consists of juggling two balls in columns in one hand with one ball in the middle of JuggleSpace and the other ball on the natural side. With the other hand display the third ball, moving it up and down in time with the outside ball. You now have two balls going up and down, one on each side, with a ball going in the opposite direction in the middle. ''' <a name="TheWeave"></a> ''' <a name="TwoOnaString"></a> ********> images/TheWeave.gif _ The Weave ******** There are now several JugglingTricks and JugglingPatterns that can be done. The held ball can be waved through the pattern giving TheWeave, it can be held above the middle ball and moved up and down giving the illusion of two balls attached with a piece of string - imaginatively called "Two on a String", and so on. ******** images/String.gif _ Two on a String ********<