Idle Musings On 201

Created Wednesday 11 September 2024


The other day I had a streak of 201 on one of the games I play, and that started a train of thought.

Idly I factored 201 (as one does) to get 3*67, then realised that it is nice as a difference of squares:

Interestingly, both of these squares are quite nice.

32² = 1024, because 32=2⁵ and so we get 2¹⁰ which is 1024;

35² = 30*40+25 = 1225

That's because:

35² = (35-5)*(35+5) + 5²

That's using the difference of squares in its less common form.

So we get:

201 = 1225 - 1024 ...

Which is obviously true, but we got there with some simple mental arithmetic, and using the difference of two squares in two different ways.

Which I found satisfying.

And yes, you can use this to help calibrate your beliefs about the sorts of things I find satisfying.

So as an example ... I don't know what 55² is, and I wouldn't bother to compute it by hand.

But I do know:

Adding b² to both sides:

Setting a=55 and b=5 we get

Suddenly it's obvious, not because of the numbers, but because of the structure.

The facility with numbers is an epiphenomenon.


So the starting point is the "Difference of Two Squares" formula. So we have:

a²-b² = (a-b)(a+b)

You can go ahead and check that to make sure it's valid.

Then we can switch is around to get:

a² = (a-b)(a+b) + b²

Now when we want to square a number (call it "a") we have a free choice of "b" to see if we can make it easy.

Take 62² for example. Then choosing b=2 gives us:

62² = (62-2)(62+2) + 2²

That's (60 times 64) plus 4.

Now, 60 times 64 is 60 times 60 (which is 3600) plus 4 times 60 (which is 240) so we get:

... and we're done.

But remember we have a free choice for b, so we can choose something different. We can choose, for example, b=12.

(You will need to follow this through to get the full benefit, and you'll see why I claim it's not that hard.)

Now we have 50 times 74. Double 50 and halve 74 and we have 100 times 37.

Nice that it's the same answer! (which is encouraging)

All this is quite straight-forward, but making a "good choice" for b comes with experience.

Practising really makes a difference.


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