Setting A Timer

Created Saturday 28 December 2024

Not long ago I wanted to set a timer to remind me to do something. So I used the timer on the oven. Really easy, simple to use, and that was that.

Then I wanted a second timer, and now it was awkward. So I picked up my phone and started to set a timer, and it was such a faff I just couldn't be bothered. Then the first timer went off, so I went to do that, and it all got a bit complicated.

But I've returned to the problem.

Here I am, sitting at my laptop, and I want to set a timer. What to do?

As it happens, I already have a system for posting to Mathstodon at 09:30 (UK time) every morning, and also to post reminders about the ISS flying over, so perhaps I can repurpose that.